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Mascote Lovel no foguete



Hire tech talents in the
right way

We united artificial intelligence and tech recruiters to identify the best tech talents for your
company and make your recruitment process quicker, more assertive and less costly!

Lovel | Contrate talentos tech da maneira certa!
Plataforma Lovel | Vagas

Believed by:

10 Days

We find the best tech talents 3x quicker for you.

Customized Platform

If you hire with Lovel, you'll have access to a customized platform for you to have a more simple and quicker recruitment process

Success Fee

We only charge after the sent candidate is hired.

I agree to receive e-mails with Lovel content (if you change your mind, you can unsuscribe our contact at any moment via the "Unsuscribe" link).

Empresas que confiam na Lovel


See what our clients

have to say about us


Facilitando a nossa vida!

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Cibelle Girão


"A Lovel é um grande parceiro em vagas techs em todo Brasil, tem facilitado muito a nossa vida com esse foco em tech talents, eles tem pessoas techs no time que alinham vaga direto com nossos gestores de

TI, é um baita diferencial, gratidão."

Optimizing your time

Dedicate your time to the best candidates

Logo Lovel
Send the opportunities
Opportunity accuracy
Tech Talents 360° Tech Talents
IA + Recruiters
We send only the best
Until 10 days

Until 10 days to send candidates already evaluated and validated

Spend quality time only with who makes sense
Improve your process

Lovel Platform

Plataforma Lovel | Vagas
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Prêmio Sebrae Mulher de Negócios

"Sebrae/CE awards the winners of the Prêmio Sebrae Mulher de Negócios Award."

Evento do Senai Ceará incentiva o empoderamento feminino na propriedade intelectual

"Senai Ceará's event incentives female encourages intelectual property's female empowerment."

O Otimista

"Woman from Ceará in Forbes BLK."

O Otimista
Prêmio Sebrae Mulher de Negócios

"Lovel is a finalist at Sebrae Like A Boss."

O POVO | Notícias, Análises & Reportagens Exclusivas
Startup do Ceará entra no topo das 10 melhores do Brasil no setor de RH

"Startup from Ceará gets into the Top 10 of the best HR Tech Brazilian Startups."

O Otimista
Startup do Ceará entra no topo das 10 melhores do Brasil no setor de RH

"Startups from Ceará - Lovel, HubLocal and Tallos - are between the 100 most attractive startups for the corporate market."

O Otimista

"Startups Lovel and Compartilha are awarded with the Prêmio Otimista de Inovação 2023 Award."

UOL - Seu universo online

"Couple discovers in the middle of a amazon river that they received a Google's investment..."

Blog do Google Brasil

"Black Founders Fund: closing the year with new invested startups and renewed compromise for 2024."

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